More amazingly, Lori's daughter Olivia Jade has spent most her time at USC vlogging and influencing. But Lori and Felicity were just trying to get their kids into USC (which, as one tweeter aptly pointed out, 'How the f-k are you rich and can’t get into USC') and UCLA (a state school in their state). I'm talking Ivy League, or at least a Georgetown or Stanford vibe.
1: Instead of going about this the normal way and simply making a donation to the school, which is what the ultra wealthy have been doing since universities were invented, Lori and Felicity (and other non-celebs, to be fair) decided to pay someone to take their kids' SATs, boost their grades and even - get this - doctor photos of them playing sports they've probably barely heard of.Ģ: I'm not sure about you guys, but I feel like if I was going to stick my neck out for my kid and commit fraud to get them into a university, I'd be keen on it being a good one.
Because this is a matter I'm particularly passionate about, I'd like to point out a couple of things.